No, LED lights are extremely energy efficient and do not use a lot of electricity. In fact, LED Christmas lights can use as little as 10% of the energy that incandescent Christmas lights use, leading to big savings on energy and electricity costs.

LED Christmas lights are designed with superior technology over incandescent Christmas lights. Incandescent lights burn a filament in a bulb, which requires far more electricity than what’s needed to power the semiconductor responsible for activating the diode in an LED light. This fundamental difference in light generation results in LED Christmas lights using a mere fraction of the wattage that’s used in incandescent Christmas lights. Below are two tables that illustrate the considerable contrast in energy consumption between LED lights and incandescent lights. The first table shows the high energy consumption of incandescent lights in an example holiday display:

Type of Light Application # of Bulbs Total Watts
Incandescent Mini Light Tree & Foliage Lighting 2450 1004.50 Watts
Incandescent C9 Bulbs Roofline Perimeter 200 1400 Watts
Incandescent C9 Bulbs Driveway and sidewalk outline 150 1050 Watts

The all-incandescent lights display consumes a whopping 2,800 watts! The next table looks much better:

Type of Light Application # of Bulbs Total Watts
LED Conical Light Sets Tree & Foliage Lighting 2450 31.5 Watts
LED C9 Retrofit Bulbs Roofline Perimeter 200 192 Watts
LED C9 Stringer Sets Driveway and sidewalk outline 150 13.5 Watts


The all-LED Christmas lights display in this example consumes only 237 watts. The difference in energy usage is substantial, and the cost-savings is, too. Based on the average price of electricity in a 45-day holiday season, from Thanksgiving to New Years, in which Christmas lights run for 7 hours a day, the example LED display costs $10.46 to run. On the other hand, the incandescent lights display costs a larger sum of $123.48 to run. The remarkable savings on electricity increases year-over-year as well.

LED Christmas lights also provide superior longevity over incandescent lights, meaning that they’re significantly more energy-efficient in terms of the light they produce over their entire lifespan. A high-quality set of LED Christmas lights cared for properly has the ability to outlast dozens of incandescent lights. High-quality, professional-grade LED Christmas lights last 25,000 to 75,000 hours, which is approximately 6 or 7 seasons. Incandescent Christmas lights don’t offer even close to the the longevity of LED lights, providing only about 3,000 hours of use.

Because LED lights don’t use a lot of electricity, their usage helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation—emissions that are much higher with incandescent lights. When it comes to Christmas lighting, LED Christmas lights are the definitive environmentally-friendly choice.

Save your electricity while creating enchanting displays with pro-grade LED Christmas lights. Discover holiday decorating wonders in our carefully designed collection of energy-efficient LED Christmas lights.