The best Christmas lights for outside are LED Christmas lights that are UL-rated for outdoor use. High-quality pro-grade LED Christmas lights are best for outdoor use because of their superior construction and water-resistant design.

LED Christmas lights that are UL-rated for outdoor use are the best kind for outside. High-quality pro-grade LED Christmas lights are the best solution for putting lights up outside because of two main features: superior build quality and water-resistance. Pro-grade lights use high-grade components and are designed with durability in mind, resulting in LED Christmas lights that reliably outlast retail-grade lights. Christmas Designers’ pro-grade lights are constructed with a one-piece bulb-socket design that prevents light failure caused by water and debris from working into the socket. Superior build quality and water-resistant design allow pro-grade Christmas lights to handle the cold, snow, and ice during the winter season in many parts of the world.

The best all-around type of LED Christmas lights for outside are coaxial 5mm wide angle conicals. Coaxial lights have sealed screw-tight connections that are specially designed to keep harmful outdoor elements out of your connections, including water, snow, and dirt. Christmas lights with RY connections are also especially useful for protecting your tree wraps from rodents. Tree-climbing squirrels are no match for screw-tight coaxial connections. 5mm wide angle conicals shine brighter than other types of Christmas lights thanks to their angled design, making them a lovely sight that’s easy to see outside from any angle, even at a distance.

LED Christmas lights are also ideal for outdoor use because they use far less energy than incandescent lights—from 75% up to 90% less. The energy efficiency of LED lights empowers decorators to build expansive holiday displays from many lights that are cheaper to operate for long periods compared to incandescent lights. LED lights are also the perfect lights for using in cold weather, lighting up instantly and staying bright. Incandescent lights take considerably more time to reach full brightness in the cold. This is because the heat generation to burn the filament in each bulb of incandescent lights is hindered by low temperatures. Incandescent Christmas bulbs also have a chance of exploding in very cold, freezing weather, posing a safety risk to those nearby.

Discover more about the best all-around lights you can use outdoors in our breakdown of the benefits to coaxial connect Christmas lights.

And find the pro-grade lights that are perfect for your next install outside from our huge selection of high-quality LED Christmas lights.